Includes information about Menu Icons and Web Controls.
Click here for Site Map and information about Breadcrumbs.
Menu Icons
The menu bar contains the following icons:
Home - Goes to the GeckoFoot.com main home page.
Back - Goes back to the previous page.
Switch to HTML - Switches to HTML style menu (currently unavailable).
Mail - Starts an e-mail to GeckoFoot.
Help - Shows this page.
Copyright - Shows the copyright message and privacy statement.
Web Controls
Hover Menus
These controls are used to navigate through the GeckoFoot website.
Hover over the menu control to show all options.
Click the main page link to visit the index page for that section.
Click on a sub-page to visit a specific page.
News/Link Controls
These controls show a headline or a summary of a news article or other page.
The headline is shown at the foot of the picture.
Hover over control to show more information about the story.
Click on the control to visit the aritcle or page.
RSS Feed Control
RSS or Realy Simple Syndication is a file format used for News Feeds or content
summaries from
various websites.
The RSS Feed control is used to easily browse through articles.
The control will scroll through headlines when idle - click < or > to browse manually.
Hover over the control to show more information about a particular article.
Click on the control to visit the article's own page.
Click on the orange RSS icon for more information about RSS.